viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008


1. The Popular National Assembly of the Popular Republic China is the supreme organ of the power of the State. His permanent organism is the Permanent Committee of the Popular National Assembly.

2. China exists a marked informative censorship that prevents the publication of news not authorized by the authorities.

3. Most of the press in Chinese language of Hong Kong and Taiwan is prohibited, as well as many books and movies.

4. China is also one of few countries in the world that has developed a system of Internet censorship, which prevents the access to numerous web pages.

5. On the other hand The Chinese government one accuses of violating other fundamental rights.

6. The people who have expired 18 years have right to choose and to be chosen, independently of his etnia, race, sex, profession, familiar origin, religion, degree of instruction, economic situation and time of residence.

7. The constitution guarantees to the citizens the freedom of word, of edition, of meeting, of association, of parades and of manifestations, the religious, personal freedom, of communication and the rights to the critique of the administration, to demanding an indemnification on the part of the state, to the work, to the well-being and to the education.

This way, as for religious freedom China has been accused of serious violations.

LIKES AND DISLIKES OF CHINA (Parties, Spare time, TV programs)


In colombia the parties are THE LIBERAL ONE, THE CONSERVATIVE, THE PARTY of the U, THE DEMOCRATIC POLE the more important .

China is the most populous country in the world, and is ruled by a single political party, the Communist Party of China. Eight other political parties, known as the “democratic parties,” work with the Communist Party of China, but do not actually hold any power. This situation has been criticized by individuals who are concerned about China's history of human rights violations, because it is feared that the citizens of China may not be adequately represented politically.
The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921 in Shanghai. The party was established to promote communist ideology in China and to supplant the Kuomingtang regime, which controlled Chinese politics after the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1912. In 1949, the party defeated the Kuomingtang and founded the People's Republic of China.

The TV in China is very different, in China the TV is more fiction science than the Colombian TV, in Colombia is more love histories. for example in China: China from the Inside includes perspectives ranging from those of the increasingly rich, to the increasingly poor, the powerful to the powerless and the supporters and detractors of today's China. It does not shy away from China's many contradictions, with scenes from some of the most breathtaking places on the planet as well as the most polluted and with its candid conversations with modern urban people as well as inhabitants of traditional rural communities. China from the Inside visits temples in Tibet, border areas of Muslim Xinjiang, Communist Party meetings, a village election.

The programs for children in China are of JAPANESE origin, become in this country like those who appear in colombia.

The people in CHINA use his free time sharing with his family, walking in the fields of the city, being present at festivals prinsipañmente in BEIGHIN, but always with the family that is more important.


Standard Mandarin, also known as Standard Spoken Chinese, is the official modern Chinese spoken language used by the Mainland China, Taiwan, and is one of the four official languages of Singapore.
The phonology of Standard Mandarin is based on the Beijing dialect of the Mandarin language, a large and diverse group of Chinese dialects spoken across northern and southwestern China. The vocabulary is largely drawn from this group of dialects. The grammar is standardized to the body of modern literary works written in Vernacular Chinese, which in practice follows the same tradition of the Mandarin dialects with some notable exceptions.

China is a country with different types of persons. Almost the half of the country English speaks therefore the English is a resource to survive in small stone because the mandrin is very difficult and for that the English is the language of the world. In China the persons can learn the language if the Spanish language is taught to the Chinese. In addition in colombia the English is very important for study, to work, to go out of the country.


China is a beautiful country and I want to know these places that are very interesting:

1. The Forbidden City

Behind the walls, more than 10 metres high, and within the 50 metres broad moat, life in the Forbidden City was determined by a multitude of rules and taboos. Today, the gateway serves as a gigantic entrance for visitors where it leads to one of the most fascinating displays of Chinese cultural history and to what is probably the best preserved site of classical Chines architecture.

2. The Square of Heavenly Peace
On 1st October 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China from the Gate of Heavenly Peace (Tiananmen). Today, his portrait gaze south from this spot to the Square of Heavenly Peace, which was quadrupled in size during the 1950s so that up to a million people gather in the square. In the centre of the square is an obelisk, unveiled in 1958, the Monument to the Heroes of the Nation.

3. Temple of Heaven and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest Set in the middle of a park of 270 hectares, the Temple of Heaven, an outstanding architecture in China dates from the Ming period, was destroyed several times after being struck by lightning and was last rebuilt in 1890. The temple complex has only been open to the public since 1949.

4. Lhasa

The capital of the province and centre of Tibetan Buddhism, lies at an altitude of 3,660 metres on the banks of the river Kyichu, a tributary of Yarlung Zangbo river. Potala, a palace built by King Songsten Gampo stood on the Marpori, the "Red Mountain", in the 7th century. Since the construction of the Potala Palace in 1645 at the time of the Great 5th Dalai Lama, the Dalai Lamas resided here as religious and secular rulers. Visitors can look down into the valley and the old city from the roof of Potala.

5. The tallest saltwater lake: Namtso Lake in Northwest (NW) China's Tibet Autonomous Region.

With an altitude of 4,700 meters (m) and an area of 1,940 square kilometers (km), Namtso Lake, China's tallest saltwater lake, is a sacred lake to Tibetans, attracting many disciples to pilgrim from far and near. The lake, like a huge pearl mirror embedded into the north Tibetan steppe, reflects the belief and pursuit of the Tibetans for many generations. Besides, the natural scenery is breathtaking, attracting flocks of photographers to catch its beauty each year.

For this I like it very much Chinese and I invite them to travel to so spectacular country. It is very nice and very cheap to the holidaiy.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008


Beigin Ma Hetai of Guangzhou takes regular weekend rock climbing trips to Yangshuo, a tourist city in the karst peaks about a day's drive from home. He piles into a car with friends and stays with another friend who owns a bar in Yangshuo. Ma owns his gear, a one-time expense, so his trips cost 100 yuan (US$12) to 200 yuan per trip, mostly in road tolls, an acceptable price for the average Chinese wage-earner. Scaling cliffs "meets needs" that ordinary nightlife and tourism - staples of China's young moneyed generation - cannot, says Ma, who has practiced the sport for three years. The number of people like Ma - practitioners of "extreme sports" like rock climbing, bungee jumping and skateboarding - has been increasing by about a factor of five each year in China since the mid-1990s, when extreme sports first appeared here.



Chinese cooking is one of the greatest methods of cooking. Since ancient time, many factors that have influenced its development. Confucius once said: "Eating is the utmost important thing in life." Cooking Chinese food requires more time and effort, and is considered a very sophisticated art. As a result, many travelers who have visited China consider Chinese cuisines one of the best.

meal in Chinese culture is typically seen as consisting of two general components:
main food - a carbohydrate source or starch, typically rice (predominant in southern parts of China),noodles, or buns (predominant in northern parts of China), and accompanying dishes - of vegetables, fish, meat, or other items.

As China is a geographically huge country, it is diverse in climate, ethnicity and subcultures. Not surprisingly therefore, there are many distinctive styles of cuisine. Traditionally there are eight main families of dishes, namely
Hui (Anhui) , Yue (Cantonese) , Min (Fujian) , Xiang (Hunan), Yang (Jiangsu) , Lu (Shandong), Chuan (Szechuan), Zhe (Zhejiang)


Legal holidays in China are New Year (January 1st), a national one-day holiday; Spring Festival (New Year by the lunar calendar), a national three-day holiday; International Working Women's Day (March 8th); Tree Planting Day (March 12th); International Labor Day (May 1st), a national one-day holiday; Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th); International Children's Day (June 1st); Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) (August 1st); Teacher's Day (September 10th); and National Day (October 1st), a national two-day holiday.

China's major traditional festivals include the Spring Day Festival, the Lantern Festival, Pure Brightness Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival. Ethnic minorities have also retained their own traditional festivals, including the Water Sprinkling Festival of the Dai people, the Nadam Fair of the Mongolian people, the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Danu (Never Forget the Past) Festival of the Yao people, the Third Month Fair of the Bai people, the Antiphonal Singing Day of the Zhuang people, the Tibetan New Year and Onghor (Expecting a Good Harvest) Festival of the Tibetan people, and the Jumping Flower Festival of the Miao people.


Guoyue are basically music performed on some grand presentation to encourage national pride. Since 1949, it has been by far the most government-promoted genre. Compared to other forms of music, symphonic national music flourished throughout the country. In 1969 the cantata was adapted to a piano . The Yellow River Peno Concert was performed by the pianist Yin Chengzong, and is still performed today on global stages. During the height of the Cultural Revolution, musical composition and performance were greatly restricted


Traditional music

Traditional music in China is played on instruments or in small ensembles of plucked and bowed stringed instruments, flutes, and various cymbals, gongs, and drums. The scale is pentatonic. Bamboo pipes and are among the oldest known musical instruments from China; instruments are traditionally divided into categories based on their material of composition: skin, gourd, bamboo, wood, silk, earth/clay, metal and stone. Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings, woodwinds, plucked strings and percussion.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008


Locator map for Hong Kong, a special administrative region in the southeast of China. The region is made up of Hong Kong Island, the mainland Kowloon Peninsula and New Territories, and many small islands. Ships in Aberdeen Harbour, Hong Kong. The world's largest floating restaurant is moored in this ancient fishing port on the southern side of the island. Aerial view of Hong Kong at night. The harbour and skyscrapers are brilliantly lit, enabling the life of the city to continue around the clock.

Hong Kong Island is connected with Kowloon by undersea railway and ferries. A world financial centre, its stock market has four exchanges. Main exports are textiles, clothing, electronic goods, office machinery, clocks, watches, cameras, and plastic products; tourism is also important to the economy.


China is a beautiful country, it is the 4th more big of the world. China has one of the world's oldest people and continuous civilizations, consisting of states and cultures dating back more than six millennia. the capital China is Pekin. it´s in the Pekin the "temple of the ski". The temple is located in the south of the city, near of this place this the Housanhai lake, to ten minutes this the "temple of the sky" constructed in the year 1420.

China enjoys a moderate maritime climate characterized by moderate winter, fresh summer and a lack of extreme temperatures.

The Chinese people are very hardworking and all the time they are fighting for the country and for preserve their culture. They protect their beliefs and want that everybody knows their religion, rituals and all the amazing things that have China.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2008


My name is Ricardo Cardenas, I have 23 years of age, am of bogota though lived 17 years in Gacheta Cundinamarca. I am a student of medicine of the university of the Sabana and am in 5 semester. My hobbies are the football, the cycling and to go to cinema.
I do not have girlfriend but I am charmed with going out with my friends to dance and Iam going to drink with my friends.